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Raw Food Revelations #RecipesInternational

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Raw Food Revelations #RecipesInternational

Raw food diets have become increasing standard, and with smart reason. Foods in their raw state ar really as nature designed and that they ar the foremost biocompatible with our bodies. In fact, it's fascinating to understand that a cooked potato has 420 additional molecular compounds than a raw potato. These new compounds ar created within the change of state method, however a part of the matter is that our bodies are not continually ready to method new compounds - although somebody created them in an exceedingly room and that they style smart.

Our bodies have specific enzymes for digestion, and that they work sort of a lock and key. however once we keep dynamic the locks, the keys do not continually work. The result's that overdone foods are not continually digestible well and particles of them find yourself hold on in our bodies as deadly sludge, rather than used for fuel with the rest eliminated.
Interestingly, studies have shown that overdone foods increase our white corpuscle activity. This basically means our bodies see overdone foods as invaders, and work to defend against them. Raw foods haven't got this impact.

Another reason raw foods diets have become standard is contain enzymes whereas overdone and processed foods ar innocent of enzymes, as heating destroys them. Enzymes ar crucial factors within the health equation; they are usually known as our elan vital. Enzymes ar the catalysts for each perform of the body, together with blinking and respiratory. once we run out of enzymes, we die.

we're doing very little to consume our protein reserves. In distinction, overdone foods demand that the body hand over a number of its enzymes for digestion. during this manner, overdone foods virtually speed our death and hasten all of the processes on the approach, together with aging and illness.

Unfortunately, most cultures and social circles are not double-geared towards raw foods. many do not perceive the advantages of raw food diets, or perceive that a diet double-geared around overdone foods causes issues. many of us conjointly suppose raw foods ar boring or tough to organize. In truth, they do not have to be compelled to be either.

Adding Raw Foods to Your Diet

An easy thanks to increase your raw food consumption is to drop the cereal or toast for breakfast and begin intake fruit. folks usually say they'd be hungry doing that, however the answer is to eat additional. A pineapple or 0.5 watermelon may be a delicious breakfast. Your favorite fruit can even replace candied or processed snacks.

You can conjointly boost your raw food intake by intake additional salads, and creating them additional substantial within the method. A dish does not have to be compelled to be all lettuce and 0.5 a tomato. Salads will skip the lettuce entirely and might bulk up with 1 / 4 cabbage, 2 tomatoes, an avocado, and maybe 0.5 a cucumber. With an excellent dressing, it's going to be delicious, and the general public are quite glad subsequently. So, forget typical dish knowledge and bulk your salads up with legion your favorite veggies.

Raw foods can even be side to overdone foods, once the change of state is complete. for instance, chopped cabbage, recent thyme, and a diced tomato are often side on prime of a cooked potato to create an excellent 0.5 raw "potato dish." simply oceanson with copra oil and sea salt.

If you are not able to go utterly raw, you'll be able to profit by merely adding additional raw foods to your diet. several health consultants advocate a diet of concerning seventy p.c, which might be 2 meals on a daily basis, and snacks. However, in truth, the additional you add, the higher off you will be.

Source: El Hassan Anzit
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A freelance writer, marketer and a blogger. Graduate of BS Chemistry at Colegio de San Agustin Bacolod City, Negros Occidental. Written first novel: Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW): The Game of Life. Worked abroad in the Middle East and Gulf Country.


  1. I've never thought of adding anything raw to my diet besides carrot sticks. I do however eat a lot of fruits just not veggies.

  2. Normally raw food would aid in digestion. This is a nice post, very insightful!

  3. I love a good salad. I try to implement raw foods in my diet as much as I can. However, my favorite raw food is sushi. That counts for me, hehe.

  4. I admit I am not a raw food eater - exclusively. While I do eat raw fruits and vegetables (some from my own garden), I din't take in consideration switching to a raw only diet. It's interesting to find out its benefits, though!

  5. I love raw food. It's one of the things I learned to love while I was in JApan. Gotta love vegies!

    Kai, www.lilpink.info

  6. Vegetables are at their healthiest when eaten raw! Definitely great things to keep in mind! :D

  7. Well raw food is good to eat and we do it in form of salads but nowadays with so much pesticide if you are not eating organic raw food then it might lead to some gastric issues.

  8. I think we lose some of the nutrients once food is processed. It would be nice to try raw foods from time to time.

  9. We love eating raw foods, veggies and fruits. It keeps the nutrients intact which cooking methods sometimes destroy if not done properly. Fresh raw corn on the cob and raw greens are great for daily consumption. :)

  10. I like raw vegetables in salads like lettuce and tomatoes, and cucumbers. I like sashimi tuna and also raw oysters, as long as they assure it is fresh.

  11. i do like some veggies raw but then i read that some (like carrots) are better eaten cooked. to boost the raw food intake by increasing consumption of fruits and salads is a smart way, but over-consuming these high fibre food without drinking sufficient water will result in constipation, so moderation is still best.

  12. Agree we should eat as much raw food as possible and avoid the processed food as much as i can.

  13. Yes, I know how important raw food are. But somehow, there will be times where you just hope for some hot cooked food...

  14. tomatoes and lettuce are the only raw foods I can eat so far

  15. The raw food that I consume are mostly salads and sashimi. Anything else, I rather it be cooked.

  16. Fruits for breakfast are great. I like them because of the sweet taste and also the health benefits attached. Eating them with yogurt is also a good option.

  17. For a diabetic like me, having raw veggies in my diet is a must.

  18. It is good to understand the benefits we can get from eating raw foods contrary to other beliefs that raw food can actually poison us. I don't eat veggies but I eat fruits. However, when it comes to raw state of meat or seafood, that I really can't handle. I guess it would be really challenging for people like me who grew up and are used to eating well cooked meals.

  19. Have understand how foods are better taken raw. But it also depends much on each individual liking and body types.

  20. Always very intrigued by the raw food diet but I will admit, i just can't. Veggies and fruits are lovely... but i love my red meat too!

  21. I am guilty of not eating vegetables but I know for a fact that it would make me healthier if I did. Unfortunately, I just don't like their taste especially the green leafy veggies.


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